New Student Registration

For UPK Registration
please contact the Main Office:
Tracey Waters
607-356-3301, ext. 221
Fax: 607-356-3598

For Transfer Students
please contact the Guidance Office:
Melissa Waters
(607) 356-3301, ext. 235
Fax:  (607) 356-3529 

whitesville central school UPK Registration for 25-26 school year

Universal Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten Registration & Screening

*NEW - Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) will be offering a *FULL DAY program for the 2025-2026 school year.

PRE-KINDERGARTEN: If you live in the Whitesville Central School District and you have a child whose fourth birthday falls on or before December 1, 2025, your child is eligible to enter Pre-kindergarten in the Fall of 2025.

KINDERGARTEN: If your child’s fifth birthday falls on or before December 1, 2025, your child is eligible to enter Kindergarten in the Fall of 2025.

REGISTRATION PACKETS: In order to identify all children who are eligible to enter Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten in September 2025, please complete the Packet Request form and return it to Tracey Waters in the main office. You may also contact Mrs. Waters at 607-356-3301, ext. 221 or by email at This information will be used to generate a mailing list for sending registration packets.

* If you have not received your packet by April 4, please let Mrs. Waters know.

Non-resident (Out-of-District) families with eligible children are welcome and encouraged to request packets.

OUT-OF-DISTRICT STUDENTS: Please refer to the Policy and Contract.

UPK & K REGISTRATION (for parents/guardians only)
April 10, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. in the high school library
Please sign-in at the Main Office upon arrival.

UPK & K Screening (for children only)
April 25, 2025 from 8 - 11:00 a.m.


New Student Policies & Regulations

New Student Enrollment - Required Forms

Enrollment - Student Registration Form
This form must be completed for all incoming students.

Enrollment - Records Release Form
This form must be completed for any incoming student who previously attended a school outside of Whitesville Central School.

Enrollment - Out of District Request Form
This form must be completed for any out of district students requesting enrollment at Whitesville Central School.  

Enrollment - Physical Form
In some but not all cases this form is used for new student enrollment. This form is given to the family physician at the time of the student's health examination.  Once completed the form is returned to the WCS Health Office.

Enrollment - Health History Form
This form provides student health history to the school nurse and is a required form for new students entering the district.