WCS has transitioned to a new responsive website!
It’s our goal to make information more accessible and seamless between desktop and mobile view. With some of the new features this offers, notifications from school to home can be more instantaneous so that students, teachers, parents and community members can stay informed on the fly!
What’s new?
- You’ll still see the same “Quick Links” on the main page for the most commonly used links.
- An “Events Calendar” allows you to sync individual events to your personal calendar.
- The new “WCS News” section will keep you informed on larger school happenings & highlights.
- And for those quick notices, reminders, and recognition posts, we now have a “Live Feed”.
What you should know…
For the most part, “WCS News” and “Live Feed” notifications will be pushed out to parents automatically based on the phone numbers and emails we have on file in the mail office. This means that there is no opt in required for this feature, however, you are still in control if you’d like to opt out and stop receiving notices.