Whitesville Central School
Board of Education
The five-member Board of Education is elected by district residents and voluntarily serves as your representative in policy matters concerning the school district. Elections are held each year on the third Tuesday in May; each member serves a term of three-years.
Tracey L. Waters, District Clerk
Phone: 607-356-3301, ext. 221
Email: twaters@whitesvillesd.org

Standing: Mrs. Bledsoe, Ms. Steadman, Mrs. Matteson; Sitting: Mr. Cutler & Mr. Erdmann
2024-25 Board Members:
President - Charles Cutler, Jr.
Mr. Cutler has served on the Board of Education since 2015. His term expires June 30, 2027.
He served as Vice-President for the 2023-2024 school year.
Congratulations Mr. Cutler on your appointment as Board President and thank you for your service to WCS!
Vice- President - Erica Matteson
Mrs. Matteson has served as a Board member since 2022. Her current term expires June 30, 2025.
Congratulations on your appointment as Vice-President for the 2024-2025 school year and thank you for your service to WCS!.
Jasmine Bledsoe
Mrs. Bledsoe was appointed to fill Mrs. Acomb's seat at the September 10, 2024 Board meeting.
Welcome Mrs. Bledsoe to the Board, we appreciate your willingness to serve!
Jeffrey Erdmann
Mr. Erdmann has served on the Board of Education since July 2009. His current term expires June 30, 2027.
He served two years as Vice-President in 2013 and 2014 and has was appointed annually as President since 2015.
Congratulations Mr. Erdmann on your re-election and thank you for your service to WCS!
Amanda Steadman
Ms. Steadman has served as a Board member since October 2023. Her current term expires June 30, 2026.
Congratulations Ms. Steadman on your election and thank you for your service!
Board Meeting Dates
All regular meetings are tentatively scheduled on the SECOND Tuesday of each month
and are held in the high school library at 7 PM, unless otherwise indicated.
Next Regular Board Meeting:
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at 7PM in the High School Library
Regular Meeting
The Board of Education invites public comment in an open forum at the designated time on the meeting agenda to discuss matters under consideration. Each individual speaker is allotted three (3) minutes to speak. The public comment period is not a discussion, so please do no expect the Board to respond to your comments, concerns and/or questions that night. If necessary, the Board may follow up with you during the week, at a future meeting or have the proper staff member get back to you. The Board will listen carefully and value your input. All speakers and visitors must maintain civility and mutual respect. Please address the Board directly, rather than the audience.
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