WCS Superintendent

Mrs. Tammy Emery, Superintendent

I have proudly served the Whitesville Central School and Community since July 1, 2008

July 2008 - June 2009 - Director of Special Education and Teacher through CA BOCES

July 2009 - June 2019 - Principal and Director of Special Education

July 2019 - Present - Superintendent

Vision:  Whitesville Central School believes a Leader is intrinsically motivated with courage and integrity. Whitesville Central School believes an Innovator is a creative minded problem solver who is willing to take risks. Whitesville Central School believes a Communicator is an active listener who is well organized and tactfully articulate.

Mission: Empowering ALL Learners to Lead, Innovate and Communicate

Contact Information: temery@whitesvillesd.org or 607.356.3301 x221

WCS Principal

Mrs. Renee McNeely, Principal

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School year.

I look forward to an exciting year working with all of you. 

 As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. 

A few reminders:

Buses will be dropping off in the on the high school side of building. All students who are parent drop off/ pick up will be using the front four-door entrance. Anyone who is late must come in through the main office.

*Parent Portal accounts are available to all parents who have students in grades 6th – 12th.  This allows you to see your child’s assignments and grades, as well as their schedule and attendance.  See our website to get registered.  

*Attendance is extremely important to learning. Please make sure your child is in school and arriving to school on time.